
분류 전체보기 301

[OPIc Script] Geography & Weather (지리 & 날씨)

Vocabulary Riverbank / Reservoir: 강둑 / 저수지 Casualty: 피해자 Global warming: 지구 온난화 Greenhouse effect: 온실 효과 Be situated(=located) in: ~에 위치하다. Have well-connected transportation: 교통이 편리하다. Blow from A to B: 바람이 A에서 B로 분다. Rain cats and dogs: 비가 억수로 내리다. Stay away from the heat/cold: 더위/추위를 피하다. Typhoon strikes my country: 태풍이 우리 나라를 강타하다. Be buried in a snowdrift: 눈 더미에 파묻히다. Pleasant / mild severe..

[OPIc Script] Phone & Internet & Tech (핸드폰 & 인터넷 & 기술)

Q1) What is your favorite function or an application of your phone? Why is that? How long do you think you spend on that function or an application a day? [Ans] My favorite application is KakaoTalk which is korean WhatsApp. Because I send a text to my family, and friends. I almost use KakaoTalk all day. Q2) What did you do on the internet yesterday? Tell me everything you did in order. [Ans] Fir..

[OPIc Script] Gathering & Holidays (모임 & 휴일)

Q1) Do Korean people like drinking? [Ans] I think Korean people like to drink alcohol. Actually, people don't tend to think alcohol is dangerous, and don't care about drinking a lot of alcohol. If you visit Korea, you may see the poster which beautiful actress advertises Soju which is a kind of Korean alcohol. But disgusting pictures are printed on the cover of cigarette. I think it's a problem ..

[OPIc Script] House & Recycling (집 & 재활용)

Vocabulary Wardrobe: 옷장 Sideboard / cabinet Appliance / electronics Blender / rice cooker / heater / washing machine / clothes dryer / water dispenser Recycling / upcycling Food waste Recycling bin / Recycling area Be on the 3th floor Be next to 강남 station Next to A is B Take up a lot of space: 공간을 많이 차지하다. Tidy up: 깔끔하게 정리하다 Organize: 준비하다 정리하다 Vacuum Do the laundry Do/wash the dishes Rest/rela..
