
opic script 18

[OPIc Script] Phone & Internet & Tech (핸드폰 & 인터넷 & 기술)

Q1) What is your favorite function or an application of your phone? Why is that? How long do you think you spend on that function or an application a day? [Ans] My favorite application is KakaoTalk which is korean WhatsApp. Because I send a text to my family, and friends. I almost use KakaoTalk all day. Q2) What did you do on the internet yesterday? Tell me everything you did in order. [Ans] Fir..

[OPIc Script] Gathering & Holidays (모임 & 휴일)

Q1) Do Korean people like drinking? [Ans] I think Korean people like to drink alcohol. Actually, people don't tend to think alcohol is dangerous, and don't care about drinking a lot of alcohol. If you visit Korea, you may see the poster which beautiful actress advertises Soju which is a kind of Korean alcohol. But disgusting pictures are printed on the cover of cigarette. I think it's a problem ..

[OPIc Script] House & Recycling (집 & 재활용)

Vocabulary Wardrobe: 옷장 Sideboard / cabinet Appliance / electronics Blender / rice cooker / heater / washing machine / clothes dryer / water dispenser Recycling / upcycling Food waste Recycling bin / Recycling area Be on the 3th floor Be next to 강남 station Next to A is B Take up a lot of space: 공간을 많이 차지하다. Tidy up: 깔끔하게 정리하다 Organize: 준비하다 정리하다 Vacuum Do the laundry Do/wash the dishes Rest/rela..

[OPIc Script] Family & Friend (가족 & 친구)

Vocabulary Company worker: 회사원 Housewife: 주부 Stock/Housing market: 주식/부동산 시장 Global warming: 지구 온난화 Scandals of actors/actress Met in [elementary/middle/high] school Live [a hour] away from [my office]: 사무실에서 1시간 떨어진 거리에 살다. Work for a company/the government: 회사/정부에서 일한다. Have known each other for 10 years: 10년동안 알고 지낸 사이다. Talk/chat about 주제 Talk to each other Complain about 대화 주제 Be (deeply/so..

[OPIc Script] TV

Vocabulary TV 출연자들 지칭하는 말: Actor, Comedian, Anchor (Audience) Rating: 평점 Popular / beloved / most-viewed Entertaining / enjoyable Captivating / fascinating Educational / helpful Mundane / ordinary / trivial Crucial / significant Complicated / complex Be/get interested in lost interest in Be on 채널/요일/시간: ~중이다 Q1) What kinds of TV show do you like to watch? [Ans] Um, I usually watch TV shows after..

[OPIc Script] SNS

Vocabulary Attention / Sympathy: 관심 / 동정 Fad = the things that are popular Defamation of character: 명예 훼손 Add 사람 to a list of contacts Like / tap a heart icon Go viral: 입소문이 나다 Gain/Win popularity: 인기를 얻다 Blame/Accuse 사람A for 행동B: 행동 B 때문에 사람 A 을 비난하다 Slander: 모략/비방(하다) Put up with / stand: 참고 견디다 Become addicted to: ~에 중독되다 Be obsessed by/with: ~에 사로잡히다 Be crazy about Popular among 연령대 people V..

[OPIc Script] Fashion & Shopping (패션 & 쇼핑)

Vocabulary Casualwear: 평상복 Work-out clothes: 운동복 Rating: 순위, 등급 Celebrity: 유명인사, 명성=fame Keep up with: 시대에 뒤떨어지지 않다. ~와 계속 연락하고 지내다. Stay up-to-date: 최신 상태를 유지하다 Spread: 확산, 펼치다 Disappear: 사라지다 Neat/tidy: 정돈된, 깔끔한 Preppy: 비싼 사립학교 학생 같은 Up-to-date: 최신의 Aggressive: 공격적인 Face-to-face: 마주보는, 대면하는 Q1) Tell me What kind of clothes people wear in winter? Do people follow celebrities' styles? Do people ..
