Casualwear: 평상복
Work-out clothes: 운동복
Rating: 순위, 등급
Celebrity: 유명인사, 명성=fame
Keep up with: 시대에 뒤떨어지지 않다. ~와 계속 연락하고 지내다.
Stay up-to-date: 최신 상태를 유지하다
Spread: 확산, 펼치다
Disappear: 사라지다
Neat/tidy: 정돈된, 깔끔한
Preppy: 비싼 사립학교 학생 같은
Up-to-date: 최신의
Aggressive: 공격적인
Face-to-face: 마주보는, 대면하는
Q1) Tell me What kind of clothes people wear in winter? Do people follow celebrities' styles? Do people wear traditional clothes in daily life? What are some fashion items people don't like to see? Tell me everything in detail.
[Ans] People usually wear padding coat in winter. The padding coat of north america brand such as North Face, Canada goose is popular in Korea. That's why the apparel brand casts celebrities as their commercial model. Korean people rarely wear the traditional clothes 한복 in daily life. Only some people wear 한복 in traditional anniversary 추석, 설날. The fashion goes around and comes around. I think people don't like the fashion items which was popular in 10 years ago such as skinny jeans. For now, a loose fit is popular with people.
Q2) Tell me how Koreans buy their clothes. Where is the most popular shopping center? Is online shopping common?
[Ans] Korean people buy their clothes more and more using online shopping than offline shopping, because internet is everywhere in Korea. For example, Korean online shopping platform Musinsa is popular in Korea. Because people can easily look for various fashion items on that app. And, mega shopping centers are also popular in Korea. This kinds of shopping centers provide entertainment for visitors. I think that's why the centers is popular in Korea.
Q3) Are Koreans sensitive to fashion trends? What is the most beloved fashion item this season? Did you buy it?
[Ans] I think Korean people are sensitive to fashion trends. They usually keep up with up-to-date fashion trends. The T-shirts printed with 우영미 who is famous Korean fashion designer was popular in Korea this summer. But I didn't buy it due to expensive price.
Q4) Do you like online shopping or going to a mall then buy? Which is better you think and why is that?
[Ans] I prefer to go to a shopping mall than online shopping because I can know the clothes are for size when I should try it on.
Q5) What kind of clothes do you like to wear personally? What are you wearing today? Give me all the details about your fashion style.
[Ans] I like the neat clothes that I feel comfortable. Today I am wearing the polo shirts and levis jeans. I like this kinds of style because it is timeless fashions. I actually didn't like changes that much, and I rarely wear formal clothes. That's why I love this kinds of styles like polo shirts, and jeans. I just wear a padding coat on that clothes in winter. It's comfortable, convenience, and neat. I may be likely to wear this kinds of clothes now and forever.
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