OPIc/[IH] 오픽 주제 스크립트

[OPIc Script] SNS

꾸준한사람 2022. 12. 24. 12:30


  • Attention / Sympathy: 관심 / 동정
  • Fad =  the things that are popular
  • Defamation of character: 명예 훼손
  • Add 사람 to a list of contacts
  • Like / tap a heart icon
  • Go viral: 입소문이 나다
  • Gain/Win popularity: 인기를 얻다
  • Blame/Accuse 사람A for 행동B: 행동 B 때문에 사람 A 비난하다
  • Slander: 모략/비방(하다)
  • Put up with / stand: 참고 견디다
  • Become addicted to: ~ 중독되다
  • Be obsessed by/with: ~ 사로잡히다
  • Be crazy about
  • Popular among 연령대 people
  • Vicious / offensive: 증오하는, 공격적인
  • Discouraging <-> encouraging
  • Disgusting / gross : 역겨운

Q1) Do Korean people like social media platforms?

[Ans] Sure, I think Korean people like social media, Because they like to share their daily lifes or special events. Also, These days, many people want to get a lot of follwers because they can make money by posting a commercial advertisement if he or she becomes a person who has many follwers.


Q2) Which one is more popular, Instagram or Facebook.

[Ans] I think the most popular social media platform is definitely Instagram. Most generation under fifties use Instagram in Korea. I memorize Facebook was really popular until 2015. But I don't know, My friends more and more moved to Instagram from Facebook in a sudden. The funny thing is, Mark Zuckerberg has got both Instagram and Facebook. Whichever do you use Instagram or Facebook, You are under the Thumbs of Mark Zuckerberg.


Q3) What do people upload on those sites?

[Ans] People usually post their daily lifes such as what do they eat, or they post about where they are going. My wife is one of the people who like to use Instgram. She takes a picture of every food we eat. So whenever she takes a picture of the food, I have to wait about few minutes. Sometimes I feel that I want to eat without waiting. But I have no choice but to wait.


Q4) What kind of photos do they upload most often?

[Ans] I think most people usually upload the photos what do they eat, or they post about where they are going. When I see the posts in Instagram, I sometimes envy the person who posts the photo. The person may have wanted my envy. I think that's why people post a photo or video.


Q5) Some people think social networking sites have lots of bad effects on society. Do you agree or disagree? What are some negative effects they can have on teens?

[Ans] I somewhat agree that social media have bad effects on society. the more addicted to social media, the more self-conscious. for example, they want to look good when they post something. and, they become sensitive of the comments. I think it's better only to focus on itself than become self-conscious.


Q6) Have you blocked somebody on a social networking site? You can talk about your KakaoTalk experience as well. How did you feel about that person and why you blocked him or her?

[Ans] I rarely block someone on a social media networking site. but I remember that I blocked one of my friends. the friend was insurance salesman. he wanted to sell a life insurance to me. so he tried to make appointmant with me, and told me necessity of insurance whenever we were met. I really got tired, so I blocked him from my social media networking site.


Q7) Tell me about a memorable post you saw on a social networking site. It an be a video or a photo, or just a writing. What was that about and why did you think that was special?

[Ans] I remember a memorable video on Instagram. It was a story of one man. His wife died due to cancer. So he have raised two daughters alone. And one AR technology team made his wife in the AR world, and gave the man a time to meet his wife in the AR. the man kept crying for a long time. the video touched me deeply.


Q8) Have you blocked someone on a social networking site? Who was that person? Why did you block that person? Make sure to explain in as much detail as possible.

[Ans] I rarely block someone on a social media networking site. but I remember that I blocked one of my friends. the friend was insurance salesman. he wanted to sell a life insurance to me. so he tried to make appointmant with me, and told me necessity of insurance whenever we were met. I really got tired, so I blocked him from my social media networking site.

