
OPIc/[IH] 오픽 주제 스크립트 27

[OPIc Script] SNS

Vocabulary Attention / Sympathy: 관심 / 동정 Fad = the things that are popular Defamation of character: 명예 훼손 Add 사람 to a list of contacts Like / tap a heart icon Go viral: 입소문이 나다 Gain/Win popularity: 인기를 얻다 Blame/Accuse 사람A for 행동B: 행동 B 때문에 사람 A 을 비난하다 Slander: 모략/비방(하다) Put up with / stand: 참고 견디다 Become addicted to: ~에 중독되다 Be obsessed by/with: ~에 사로잡히다 Be crazy about Popular among 연령대 people V..

[OPIc Script] Travel (여행)

Vocabulary Trolley: 손수레 Souvenir: 기념품 Pack: 싸다, 꾸러미 Learn about ~: ~에 대해 배우다 Escape from ~: ~로부터 도망치다 Have trouble -ing: -하는데 어려움이 있다 Have a hard time -ing: -하는데 애를 먹다 [Time] hours away by [Way]: 2 hour away by train Be surrounded by-: -로 둘러싸여 있다. Famous for [Reason]: 이유로 유명하다 Remote / Rural: 외진, 먼, 시골의 Bustling / Crowded: 북적거리는, 부산한 Festive Peaceful Q1) Do you take a lot of photos? Do you visit..

[OPIc Script] Fashion & Shopping (패션 & 쇼핑)

Vocabulary Casualwear: 평상복 Work-out clothes: 운동복 Rating: 순위, 등급 Celebrity: 유명인사, 명성=fame Keep up with: 시대에 뒤떨어지지 않다. ~와 계속 연락하고 지내다. Stay up-to-date: 최신 상태를 유지하다 Spread: 확산, 펼치다 Disappear: 사라지다 Neat/tidy: 정돈된, 깔끔한 Preppy: 비싼 사립학교 학생 같은 Up-to-date: 최신의 Aggressive: 공격적인 Face-to-face: 마주보는, 대면하는 Q1) Tell me What kind of clothes people wear in winter? Do people follow celebrities' styles? Do people ..

[OPIc Script] Bar & Party (술집 & 모임)

Vocabulary 1. Housewarmig party: 집들이 2. Get drunk: 술에 취한 3. Throw up / vomit: 토하다 4. Black out: 기억을 잃다. 5. Chill: 느긋한 6. Do a toast with 술: 술 건배하다. 7. Tipsy / tiddly: 약간 취한 8. Dizzy: 어지러운 9. Gross / Disgusted: 혐오스러운 10. Bustling / lively: 부산한, 북적거리는, 활기 넘치는 11. Welcoming: (방문객에게) 따뜻한 Q1) Tell me Where do people go when they celebrate something? What do they do there? What kinds of alcoholic beve..

[OPIc Script] Music & Concert (음악 & 콘서트)

Q1) Tell me about what type of songs you like the most. Why do you like those songs? [Ans] I like K-pop music the most. I like those songs because they have catchy melody, and music video is interesting. Plus, When you listen to K-pop music, You may be humming to yourself. My favorite K-pop musician is BTS. Q2) Have you ever been to a concert? If you haven't, you might have encountered a street ..

[OPIc Script] Movie (영화)

패턴처럼 외우고 단어를 바꿔가면서 사용할 수 있는 것들을 파란색 표시하였습니다. Q1) Tell me about what type of movies you like the most. Why do you like those movies? Give me one or two reasons. What is your favorite movie in that genre? [Ans] I like drama movie. I think drama movie makes me grow because I can experience the life of movie characters. Plus, drama movies are good to enjoy with my wife. My favorite drama movie is La..
