빨간모자샘 영어/생활 필수 영어표현

애매하다 영어로

꾸준한사람 2025. 3. 2. 23:33

애매한 뉘앙스를 표현해 보자.


뭔지 모르겠어.

>> I don't know what it is.


>> He's strange(weird).

걔는 어딘가 이상해.

>> There's something strange about him.


뭔지는 모르겠는데 이상해.

>> I don't know what it is but there's something strange about him.

>> I don't know what it is but there's something + about him + that's strange.

2번째 문장처럼 하면 문장의 확장성이 좋아진다.

>> I don't know what it is but there's something + about him + that's a little strange.

>> There's something about her that's very attractive.


>> I don't know what it is but there's something about him that reminds me of my dad.

말은 아래처럼 써도 되지만, 정말 직설적인 표현이 된다.

>> He reminds me of my dad for some reason.

*for some reason: 왠지


뭔지는 모르겠는데 걔는 목소리가 뭔가 굉장히 특이해.

>> I don't know what it is but there's something about her voice that's very unique.


걔는 말하는게 어딘가 굉장히 특이해.

>> There's something about the way she talks that's very unique/attractive.


그녀가 나한테 질문했던 방식이 어딘가 모르게 많이 불편했어.

>> There's something about the way she asked that question that didn't make me feel very comfortable.


뭔지는 모르겠는데~ 애매하게 표현해 보자.

>> I don't know what it is ~.

정확히 뭔지는 모르겠는데 걔는 목소리가 뭔가 굉장히 특이해

>> I don't know exactly what it is but there's something about her voice that's very unique.


정확히 뭐라고 하기에는 어려운데~

>> I can't say exactly what it is~

>> It's hard to say exactly what it is~


정확히 뭐라고 하기에는 그런데, 이건 도저히 뭔가 적응이 .

>> It's hard to say exactly what it is, but there's something about this (mouse) that I just can't get used to.



아래 동영상에 자세히 나와 있으니 꼭 보는 것을 추천한다.

💪 영어회화 | 표현 : "정확이 뭐라고 하기에는 어려운데 이건 도저히 뭔가 적응이 안돼." - 애매한 인상 묘사하기

