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Play의 다양한 의미와 활용

꾸준한사람 2023. 7. 14. 22:27

1. 놀다

아이가 놀거나 아이랑 같이 때는 play 맞는 표현

하지만 어른이 play 쓰는 어색하다. 때는 spend ~ing 써라.

  • I played with my kids. (O)
  • My kids play here all the time. (O)
  • It's not safe for children to play here. (O)

2. 가지고 놀다 / 가지고 장난치다

Play with 사용하라. Play랑은 뉘앙스가 조금 다르다.

  • Stop playing with your food.
  • Don't play with your food.
  • My cat likes to play with my hair.
  • You shouldn't play with people's feelings like that.

3. 영상, 노래, 음악, 영화를 틀다

  • Play a video, song, music, movie.
  • Now, I'm going to play a video for you.
  • He played a video for us. (영상을 틀어 주다)
  • He showed us a video. (영상을 보여 주다)
  • When I'm working on my computer, I like to have some soft music playing in the background.


4. Play a role(part): 어떤 역할을 하다.

  • He plays the most important role in the team.
  • 위상(지명도) 높은 배우치고는, 그는 놀랍게도 영화에서 작은 역할을 맡았다.
    >> For a star of his stature, he played a surprisingly small role in the film.

5. Play along: 동의하는 하다

  • I didn't quite understand what was going on, but I tried my best to play along.
  • I knew my daughter was lying but I played along just to see where it goes.
    *To see where it goes / where things go: 상황이 어떻게 흘러가는지 보려고


아래 동영상에 자세히 나와 있으니 꼭 보는 것을 추천한다.

play 의 다양한 의미와 활용

