빨간모자샘 영어/생활 필수 영어표현

'잘' 영어로 표현하기

꾸준한사람 2023. 7. 14. 22:24

1. 무엇을 해야
무엇이 필요하다는 의미

  • 자리를 잡아야 >> You have to find a good(the right) spot.
  • 이름을 지어야 >> You have to find(give it) a good name.

2. 잘 활용해야

실수하지 않게 판단을 해야 한다는 의미

*be smart about ~: ~ 판단해야

  • 시간을 활용해야
    >> You have to be smart with your time.
    >> You have to be smart about how you use your time.
  • 시간 배분을 해야 >> You have to be smart about how you allocate your time.
  • 말을 해야
    >> You have to be smart with your words.
    >> You have to be smart about what you say.
    >> You have to be smart about how you talk to someone.

3. 의무/책임/역할이 있는 경우

  • (누가) 아이를 키웠다.
    >> They raised their kids really well. (이상하진 않다)
    >> They did a (really) good job (of) raising their children.
  • 아이들을 키우고 있어요. >> You're doing a really good job (of) raising your kids.


아래 동영상에 자세히 나와 있으니 꼭 보는 것을 추천한다.

영어로 표현하기 2

