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애매하지만 자주 쓰는 영어 표현

꾸준한사람 2023. 9. 3. 23:58

방금 ~했다.

방금 먹었어.

>> I just ate.


방금 갔어.(출발했어/떠났어)

>> She just left.


여기 방금 도착했어.

>> I just got here. (I just arrived.)


동네 몰라요. 이제 이사 왔거든요.

>> I don't know this neighborhood very well. I just moved here.


이제 알아보기 시작해서 정보가 많지는 않아요.

>> I don't have a lot of much information right now. I just started looking into it.



이제 ~하려던 참이었다. (계획/의도)

괜찮아요.(신경 쓰지 마세요) 어차피 이제 가려던(일어나려던) 참이었어요.

>> That's okay.(Don't worry about it) I was just about to leave anyway.


저도 지금 그걸(같은 것을)물으려던 참이었어요.

>> I was just about to ask you the same thing.



얼마 전에

그에 관한 기사를 얼마 전에 인터넷에서 봤어요.

  1. 어느 정도의 시간이 흐른 시점: Some time ago / a while ago
    I read an article about that a while ago.
    I read an article about that online a while ago.
    I read an article about it online some time ago.
    I read an article about that some time ago online.

  2. 오래 되지 않은 과거, 아주 오래 되지는 않은: not(very, too) long ago
    Yeah! I think I heard about that from a friend not long ago.
    Not long ago, I was browing the Internet and looking for some information about investing and I found this great website.

  3. 오래 전에: a while back
    Oh, you know, that restaurant already closed a while back.
    Oh, that restaurant? They already closed a while back.


아래 동영상에 자세히 나와 있으니 꼭 보는 것을 추천한다.

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