[OPIc Script] Family & Friend (가족 & 친구)
- Company worker: 회사원
- Housewife: 주부
- Stock/Housing market: 주식/부동산 시장
- Global warming: 지구 온난화
- Scandals of actors/actress
- Met in [elementary/middle/high] school
- Live [a hour] away from [my office]: 사무실에서 1시간 떨어진 거리에 살다.
- Work for a company/the government: 회사/정부에서 일한다.
- Have known each other for 10 years: 10년동안 알고 지낸 사이다.
- Talk/chat about 주제
- Talk to each other
- Complain about 대화 주제
- Be (deeply/so much) into: ~에 푹 빠져있다
- Spend free time ~ing
- Be good at: ~에 능숙하다
- Be a lot taller than 대상: 대상보다 많이 크다
- Good-looking/attractive: 잘생긴, 매력적인
- Adorable: 사랑스러운
- Athletic/muscular/well-built: 근육질의
- Outgoing/cheerful/friendly: 외향적인
- Talkative <-> quiet
- Thoughtful / caring / considerable : 사려깊은, 생각이 깊은
- Patient / trustworthy : 참을성있는 / 신뢰할 수 있는
- Easygoing: 느긋한
- Mean / grumpy / hot-tempered: 인색한 / 성격이 나쁜 / 다혈질의
- Trivial / trifling / minor : 사소한
- Insignificant / unimportant : 사소한, 중요하지 않은
- Major / significant : 중요한
- Crucial / historic : 중요한
Q1) Tell me about the things you complain about when you are with your friends. How do you feel when you share how you feel with them?
[Ans] I usually complain to my wife when I she nags me. She is a very organized person. So she often complain to me, when I put something where she doesn't want. and then I hear her complaint, I also complain to her. "Hey, It is trivial!". whenever we complain to each other, we feel not good. so we promise we yield.
Q2) Tell me about your best friend. Have long have you known each other? What does he or she look like and what do you like most about that friends?
[Ans] I wanna talk about my wife. We have known each other for almost 3 years. It's not a long time, but it also not a short time. She looks like exotic. It means that she looks like um westerner. There are no special reason why I love her. I just love her. And I will love her until I died.
Q3) Do you like chatting on the phone with your friends or family? About how much time do you spend on chatting? What application do you use?
[Ans] I like chatting on the phone with my wife. we use kakaotalk app. I usually chat with my wife on the phone when I am in the office. We send a message once ten minutes. but I can't send a message when I join conference. and, I rarely chat of my daily life with other friends or family. I just chat with my wife when I am in the office.
Q4) Tell me about two of your family members or friends and describe their differences and similarities. Give me all the details.
[Ans] Okay, two people who I want to tell you about are my parents. They have similarities and also differences.
Both my father and mother like to go to cafes, so they usually go outside to find new cafe and enjoy coffees in the cafe. And they don't like to workout, so I am worry about their health. and the important thing is they love me.
but, they also have differences. the most difference of them is my mother is woman and my father is man.
Anyway, I really love my father and mother.