[OPIc Script] Geography & Weather (지리 & 날씨)
- Riverbank / Reservoir: 강둑 / 저수지
- Casualty: 피해자
- Global warming: 지구 온난화
- Greenhouse effect: 온실 효과
- Be situated(=located) in: ~에 위치하다.
- Have well-connected transportation: 교통이 편리하다.
- Blow from A to B: 바람이 A에서 B로 분다.
- Rain cats and dogs: 비가 억수로 내리다.
- Stay away from the heat/cold: 더위/추위를 피하다.
- Typhoon strikes my country: 태풍이 우리 나라를 강타하다.
- Be buried in a snowdrift: 눈 더미에 파묻히다.
- Pleasant / mild <-> severe: 쾌적한/온화한 <-> 극심한
- Humid / muggy <-> arid: 습한 / 후덥지근한 <-> 건조한
- Stuffy / boiling / scorching: 답답한(딱딱한) / 더워서 푹푹 찌는 / 폭염처럼 더운
- Stifling / sweltering / steamy / torrid: 숨막히는 / 숨막히는(찌는 듯한) / 김이 자욱한(찌는 듯한) / 몹시 더운
- Freezing / piercing(cold): 꽁꽁 얼게 추운 / 살은 에는 듯이 (추운)
- Coastal: 해안의
- Tropical: 열대의
- Splendid: 아주 아름다운(화려한 느낌)
- Spectacular: 장관을 이루는
- Magnificent: 엄청나게 아름다운
- Nationwide: 전국적인
- Devastating: 엄청나게 충격적인, 굉장한 e.g. Devastating news
- Violent / Fierce / Ferocious: 폭력적인 / 사나운 / 흉포한
- Injured / Wounded: 부상을 입은
- Desperate: 자포자기한 / 필사적인 e.g. desperate circumstances (절망적 상황), desperate poverty (극빈)
Q1) Tell me about places you like in your country. What are some geographic features of those places?
[Ans] I like Jeju island, which is located in most southern part of Korea. I can see beautiful Canola flower everywhere during spring.
Q2) Tell me about when you had trouble because of severe weather. You might have been sick or had to change your plan. What happened?
[Ans] I got trouble because of severe scorching weather last summer. This summer was really severe hot, so every people didn't go outside and enjoyed the cool air conditioned breeze at home. But the air conditioner of my home had been out of order for 2 weeks. Then I suffered from steamy weather. Especially, I almost didn't be able to sleep at night. I really felt important of the air-conditioner.
*air conditioned breeze: 에어컨 바람
**out of order: 고장난
Q3) Tell me a place of your country which has unique geographic features. Why does it have peculiar characteristics, you think?
[Ans] I think Han river has a peculiar geographic feature because Han river has a wide width(윗ㅆ) than other capitals. It's over one kilometer! Many capitals of other countries have their river such as Thames river of London, and Seine river of Paris. But these rivers have a narrow width. I think that's why Han river has rare characteristics.
Q4) How has the weather in your country changed over the years? Is the weather different from what it used to be? How has it changed?
[Ans] I don't feel actually the weather in my country is changed a lot over the years. As you may know, Korea has 4 distinct seasons. I suffered from severe weather during summer and winter in some years, but I had mild weathers in other years. It has been fluctuating. So I don't feel the weather has been changed over the years. But I surely know the global warming have affected Earth, then we have to save energy even though we cannot feel global warming.
*4계절을 표현할 때 spring, summer, fail, winter를 나열하지 말 것 -> 4 distinct seasons로 충분 (시간 아깝다)